What have ya got plugged into your USB port BABY - something big - and hard - and spinning - yep - I actually have a 160-gig external hard-drive plugged in mine - best not ask me about the 4 firewire ports - that is toooo personal .... seems however (at last) - the tech has caught up with the chatrooms/vid-cams/online-arousal-portals - and now ya can wire-up your genitals and let someone remote - twang-em (or whatever one does in such situations !!!) ...

more details and info on the Chinese enforced ban over at
Running Dog
This is quite horrible... imagine if there was some sort of power surge, there could be some serious injuries. It's not surprising though as cybersex appears to be one of the main uses of internet chatrooms.
the mind does indeed boggle !! what is even more horrible is the thought of the guys pictured using the thing in a `beijing internet cafe `!
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