Having contributed to quality music in the same fashion that McShit contributes to gastro-delights - aint it truly wonderful to witness the demise of the MOS empire - oh yes it IS ..... from supa-shafta-clubs around tha world all playin the latest in 'ambag'ouse' , crap-compilations, dodgy mp3-dj-progams whose only purpose is to fill your drive with spyware - to the heady hights of fitness videos ... whoever still remains - don't bother turning off the light - just roll-over-and-expire - thkx.... oh yeah whilst leaving - can you put a cap in Oakenfold - remember however - don't aim at the head - nothing but mushy-grey-matter up there - he won't even feel it ! That Oaky huh - I remember that sad-dude - unable to mix a vat of sticky-pop circa Joy (Manchester 1989) - to supa-stud - 30000 HK-dollars for a half hour set to a bunch of socialite-wanna-bees (Hong Kong 2003) - whadda-plank ! Oh yeah - for christ-sake - doncha forget the coke-rider - gotta keep the master-of-da-mix happy !!
Oh to be transported back to those pre-baggy-dayz of Boys Own all-weekenders in fields around south-england. In a way that punk blew the cobwebs of the prog-rock-pap that came before, those early-acid-dayzz of uk-house really did seem to change things - up until then, my clubbing history had been spent in sad latest-fashion-shite-holes - having to endure duran-gooranish tosh of late 80's synth-pap .... prior to that it had always been dindgy grimey gigs - then BOSH - late 80s and we were all gaga for repetetive beatz and screwed up Mondays ...

I suppose looking back - the above flyer and event (along with the obvious Energy / Fantasia / World-Dance et. al.) pretty much marked the beginning of the end - Sunrise were one of the bigger (perhaps biggest) organisers of field-trips for trippers ... this party was widly reported in the press - attended by perhaps ten thousand - complete with fair-ground-rides, bouncy-castles (Nancy/Daryl-Brighton, Karen/Venessa-Brixton - where be ye now?) - live PAs (who can forget the live chants of "everything begins with an E" - actually probably best we do forget) tickets were still pretty much an underground-obtained event - at the time I was Brighton-based and Carl Cox's girlfriend Maxine was local supplier of such wares ("15 quid and your in") ... weekend after weekend we would travel god only knows where - to remote fields and 'turbo-rigged' systems - only to find ourselves come Sunday evening - back down the Escape Club, Brighton - moshed/mashed and completly mished..... those were the times hey - where lyrics like "get get get wiv it... get get get wiv it" really - like you know resonated maaannn .... or maybe the resonating was due to that final sunday tea-time cheeky-half ..... the weekend in those days started with Carl Cox and his Thursday night Zap club sessions and ended somewhere in a broken-heap - early morning Monday - oh to be a yung-un again ...
Why this raving about pre-raving-raving ? well seems the afore-mentioned 'Ministry of Shit' 2003 classic (?) is now web-ready - to quote from the release (http://lukecollison.com/mos/):
Its been a while since this came out in May 2003. The initial run was limited to 500 copies. Due to some legal entanglemnet over an alleged breach of trademark law Ministry of Sound made it quite difficult for a small lowly label, such as Spasticated Records Australia, to have further copies manufactured. It may be a little dated now but there was a time when these often disturbed, mangled, plunderphonic masterpieces had a kind of currency in this pop-culture obsessed electronic music scene. Spasticated Records have about 10 copies left of the actual CD which we intend to hold on to unless you make an offer we can't refuse. This website will no-doubt have a fleeting existence so feel free to re-distribute the compilation anywhere you see fit. Its time has passed and we have no intention of re-pressing. For a time we considered a sequel, but... is it still relevant?
Grab the mashs here and circulate:
01. Mark N - I Love Faeces
02. DSP Wanker - Lost In Glottal Stops
03. Knifehandchop & Kevin Blecdom - Superstars
04. Skkatter - Please Take My Head Out Of This Bucket Of Ice
05. Wobbly - Let Me Know
06. Ascdi - Splatisfaction
07. AC/3P - Oi! ...buy AC/3P - Watch Me Explode
08. Girl Talk - lets Run This ...buy Girl Talk - Unstoppable
09. Toecutter - Shit On Me
10. Dsico - I R*cked Britney (Moonwalk Style)
11. 7u? - Premature Dementia
12. Manny Phalanxx - Hear Me Roar (Where's The Cheese)
13. Animal - Liberty Re^x (seXy Sp0t mix)
14. DJ Smallcock - Curse Of The Smallcock
15. Trotters - Ice Ice Bacon
additional CD-Rom content
Dsico vs Dither - I R*cked Britney (Moonwalk Style) (Mpeg video 30.4 Mb)
Brought to you buy the kindness and self-interest of:
Dsico That No-Talent Hack and Spasticated Records
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