Friday, July 21, 2006

Stonehenge Festival - the early 80's ...

I actually stumbled upon a load of my old photos from Stonehenge Festivals of the early 80's and just starting to scan them when I stumble upon this blast ...- being the last 1984 proper festival and indeed the last one I attempted to go to - nice shots of the main stage line-up (Hawkwind / The Enid) - yikes does anyone actually remember the Enid ? All I remember is a jar-full of cotton-wool soaked in Amyl, an emergency drive back to get Lydia to Sussex Uni in time for a lecture - and days and days of stoned wanderings ... just the way festivals were meant to be I say ...

And just a reminder how completly fucked up both English Heritedge and the goverment of the day were - here is the next years 1985 shameful occurance ..

But to remain in a 'everything is fine man' hippy ending - hurry on sundown - for an hour long Stonehenge pot(ted) history ... tis really strange - you see my memories are at best frazzled these days - but that main-drag of the festival - clearly on view at 3 mins in remains engraved in my mind as if it were yesterday - perhaps I am stuck in a permanent Henge-Flashback ... suppose things could actually be much much worst !! Enjoy - we all did !!

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