Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Search engine optimization.

The interesting thing about monitoring stats for websites - lay in what the heck you the reader is searching for that allows you to stumble upon this here bottomless pit of intellect wit and general lap-sap ...

sooo... let it be known - I too am nothing short of a slave to the share-holders of this site - yes - them upstairs who all consideration must be made - just like Google - buckling under pressure from the PRC - offering a watered down search-engine for theChinese masses - simply so they can get the foot into that market - I too must consider what the people want ...

soo - for all you (and you know exactly who you all are) - those of you who for some reason or the other stumble upon this site - whilst drooling and shaking as you type in KARAN - MOK - NAKED - LEGS - FLESH - LEGS - MOK - CANTO - CHICK - POP - MANDO - NEKKID - NUDE - LEGS - MOK - SOKS

HERE YA GO .....

from now on though - please save yourself the bother and when looking for MS.MOK-N-HER-LEGS - and simply go here.

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