Thing 1 - some guy who is the voice-talent (yep thats what they are called) who is especially good at saying things like 'EXTERRRMMMIINNNAAATEEE ... EEEEXXXXTTTTEEERRRMINAAAAATTTEEE... "
Thing 2 - A MOOGERFOOGER Ring Modulator - for yes it is indeed thanks to good old Bob Moog that they sound the way they do ..... now as the Moogerfoogers did not exist during the original Dr. Who series .... it begs the question - "how the hell did they do that ..."
sooo .. for all the techno-lust guyz-n-gals out there - here is said mooger-fooger - what a bute hey !!

and for the kidz in the audiance - one of those pesky dalek thangs ....

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