Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Man Whose Gut Exploded

Bit of a freak this past two weeks - won't bore you all with details - but a bit of a burst-appendix situation has seen me hostpital bound - operation theatre attendee and for the past week recovering in the leafy suburbs of me folks down in Dorset ! OOOWWWWW OOOOWWWW OOWWWWW - call me a baby - but it damn well HURT !!!


I am not Kek-w said...

Aw, jeez, Man, that's totally fucked up. Apendixes: yer better off w/out 'em, y'ask me. A speedy recovery...

best wishes from everyone at Rancho Shirt.

farmer glitch said...

Thanks mate - yep - an unedded little bit of gristle that dang-appendix - though it would be cool if they made a less hectic exit when the time is up !!