Tuesday, August 03, 2004

746B must go ...

Urgent message from the Farmer's hosting buddie J. LeRoy over in Seatle... seems Russian viral marketing is taking its toll resulting in thousands of downloads per day - and starting to cost 'gert-big-bucks' (as we say in zummerzit..) -

Check this out: over 87% of all the bandwidth on the entire server was from 746B.

We used 1,400 Gig of transfer. The initial dip in the usage didn’t continue … you are very popular. I think it’s time we build some torrents, eh? Or get someone to mirror? Even reducing by 20% would do it. Or .. do lower bitrate. Or do fade outs after 80% of the tracks and tell them to buy the ding dang CD if they want it. Etc.

Soooo... 50% of said album is pulled - damn I know - I would highly recommend searching for the rest of the tracks on whatever p2p takes your fancy ... the remainder of the hospital-meltdown that is the 746B Sessions can still be found over-here: 746B Sessions.

Very likely the rest will be pulled in the next few days - so unless we get some hosting/distribution for these - it will exist only in p2p-land for a while !.....

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