The China noise scene seriously getting its act together these days - always had a soft spot for Torturing Nurse - lets face it any time you combine nurses uniforms and head-crunching slabs of sound - you can't fail to please... seems with the latest slab of videos from recent perfomance in Beijing - they have somewhat upped-the-old-ante... dispensing with any traditional family values that might have littered earlier performances - and allowing afore-mentioned nurse to dispense somewhat unorthodox treatment to what can only be described as a tied and willing patient - it makes for interesting viewing - and somewhat raucous listening ...
If this sort of thing makes you feel like more - then best get your prescriptions directly from the source... or the ever excellent Noise Shanghai site...

For those of you who find the whole dripping wax on face type of behavior a tad harrowing - here is a more family-friendly TN performance from way back in 2004 - for you younger and more sheltered readers out there - because I care ....!!