Anyhows - hot on the tails of that supa-hippy-bio-drama - comes news of another bunch of long-hairs on the gig-trail - yep none other than ... HERE AND NOW ...

The first gig with new drummer MERV, of Eat Static & Ozric Tentacles fame, who joins forces with JOIE HINTON (also Eat Static/Ozric Tentacles), STEFFE SHARPSTRINGS and KEITH "LE MISSILE" BASS, to complete the line-up. With DJ sets from STEFFE and MERV. Advance tickets available from Glastonbury Assembly Rooms - book early to avoid disappointment!
Fri 20 Apr - UK, Glastonbury, Assembly Rooms - HERE & NOW
You up for this Mr. Shirt ?
Hawkwind ... absolutely wonderful - our very own kosmische/trance/psychedelic nutcases. I liked that Beeb programme .... would have been nice to get Brock and Nik Turner to kiss and make up.
Here and Now out and about again? Nice one.
Only caught the last half of the doc, but it was done really well. Hope they repeat it.
Did I ever tell you I used to know Dave Brock's daughter back in the 80s? Sweet little punkette.
Yep - actually thinking of popping along to see what on earth Here and Now are like these days - have not heard anything of them since around 1984 or so - so goodness knows what to expect !! -
Nah - did not know you knew Brocks daughter - must have been an interesting household the Hawk Lodge to grow up in me suspects !!
Yeah, great documentary....I really enjoyed it...Yeah, if Chris isn't working a friday shift I'll be well up for checking the Here n Now gig for a laff,....
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