Monday, September 11, 2006

Tranquility Base ..

Well back from a rather enjoyable 2 days in Leicester - Thursday early evening found me at the opening of the show in the New Walk Museum - laying down noise surrounded by Francis Bacon paintings and with an audiance made up of Chinese officials and the Lord Mayor - then on to a late night session at OK Kareoke - a quite different breed of punter and surroundings - based above a take-away in a somewhat dodgy down-town location - with a vibe reminsicent of seedy triad bars in Wan Chai/Tsim Sha Tsoi - the crowd more intersted in belting out somewhat less than tuneful Maddonna/Prince covers whilst playing that shakey-shakey Hong Kong dice-game they all know and love ... I ended up playing an hour of banging beats (what else is one to do) whilst slouched on a couch - slurping £2.50 boittles of beer ...

After that there was nothing more to do than enroll as an astranaut and begin immediate training prio to my impending launch into outer-space - needless to say being a fully qualified tractor driver - I passed with meddles and a well needed Masala Dosa ..


I am not Kek-w said...

"Medical Officer"...LOL!

farmer glitch said...

you may laugh my man - but I laugh louder - cuz I got the drugs !!! ha ha ... or maybe 'bwwwaaahahahahahahaha" ... gurgle .!